This is an official repository of RECIPE4U: Student-ChatGPT Interaction Dataset in EFL Writing Education (LREC-COLING 2024) and Exploring Student-ChatGPT Dialogue in EFL Writing Education (GAIED @ NeurIPS 2023)



Column Name Type Description
sample_id String A unique identifier with the composition of student_id, course, week, session, and idx.
course String A course information that a student is enrolled in. IRW for Intermediate Reading & Writing, AW for Advanced Writing, SW for Scientific Writing.
student_id Integer A numerical value to identify student.
week Integer The week number that the conversation is done
session Integer The session number that the conversation is done within the week.
idx Integer The utterance number within one session.
chatgpt_before String An utterance of ChatGPT before a student’s utterance
user String An utterance of a student after receiving ChatGPT response
chatgpt_after String An utterance of ChatGPT after a student’s utterance
rating Integer A student’s self-rated satisfaction on ChatGPT response on a 5-Likert scale
intent_final String An annotation of students’ intention based on a student’s utterance
is_quiz Boolean Whether a student asked ChatGPT for the answer to the quiz.
is_essay_edit Boolean Whether a student made edits on their essay after receiving a response from ChatGPT.
essay String A student’s written essay.


  # of Samples
# of dialogues 504
Total # of utterances 4,330
Total # of tokens 380,364
Total unique tokens 16,118


English, Korean

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Ethical Consideration


    title = "{RECIPE}4{U}: Student-{C}hat{GPT} Interaction Dataset in {EFL} Writing Education",
    author = "Han, Jieun and Yoo, Haneul and Myung, Junho and Kim, Minsun and Lee, Tak Yeon and Ahn, So-Yeon and Oh, Alice",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
    month = may,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Torino, Italy",
    publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
    url = "",
    pages = "13666--13676",