Jieun Han

jieun_han (at) kaist.ac.kr
Ph.D. Student, U&I Lab, KAIST

 Google Scholar


Hi, I am a Ph.D. student in User & Information Lab (U&I Lab), KAIST. I am currently interested in NLP application, especially in English education. I believe generative AI holds the potential to innovate the field of education, offering enhanced educational experience for students and instructors. I am interested in enriching the education field with responsible integration of LLM technology.



Jieun Han, Haneul Yoo, Junho Myung, Minsun Kim, Hyunseung Lim, Yoonsu Kim, Tak Yeon Lee, Hwajung Hong, Juho Kim, So-Yeon Ahn, Alice Oh "LLM-as-a-tutor in EFL Writing Education: Focusing on Evaluation of Student-LLM Interaction" (under-review)

Haneul Yoo, Jieun Han, So-Yeon Ahn, Alice Oh "DREsS: Dataset for Rubric-based Essay Scoring on EFL Writing" (under-review)

Minsun Kim, SeonGyeom Kim, Suyoun Lee, Yoosang Yoon, Junho Myung, Haneul Yoo, Hyungseung Lim, Jieun Han, Yoonsu Kim, So-Yeon Ahn, Juho Kim, Alice Oh, Hwajung Hong, Tak Yeon Lee "Designing Prompt Analytics Dashboards to Analyze Student-ChatGPT Interactions in EFL Writing" (under-review)

Changyoon Lee, Junho Myung*, Jieun Han*, Jiho Jin*, Alice Oh "Learning from Teaching Assistants to Program with Subgoals: Exploring the Potential for AI Teaching Assistants" Workshop Human-Centered Large Language Modeling at ACL 2024 (HcLLM@ACL 2024)

Jungyoub Cha, Jieun Han, Haneul Yoo and Alice Oh "CHOP: Integrating ChatGPT into EFL Oral Presentation Practice" LLM Workshop at Educational Data Mining (EDM 2024)

Jieun Han*, Haneul Yoo*, Junho Myung, Minsun Kim, Tak Yeon Lee, So-Yeon Ahn, Alice Oh "RECIPE4U: Student-ChatGPT Dialogue in EFL Writing Education" LREC-COLING 2024

Jieun Han*, Haneul Yoo*, Junho Myung, Minsun Kim, Tak Yeon Lee, So-Yeon Ahn, Alice Oh "Exploring Student-ChatGPT Dialogue in EFL Writing Education" Workshop on Generative AI for Education at NeurIPS 2023 (GAIED@NeurIPS 2023)

Jieun Han*, Haneul Yoo*, Yoonsu Kim, Junho Myung, Minsun Kim, Hyunseung Lim, Juho Kim, Tak Yeon Lee, Hwajung Hong, So-Yeon Ahn, Alice Oh "RECIPE: How to Integrate ChatGPT into EFL Writing Education" Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S 2023, WiP)

Sangjun Park, Chanhee Lee, Jieun Han, Uichin Lee "QuickRef: Should I Read Cited Papers for Understanding This Paper?" 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023, EA)

Junhyeok Jung*, Kwanghyeon Lee*, Jiwoo Shin*, Jieun Han*. "Nodes‐in‐Cluster Significance Score(NCSS): Keyword Extraction with Redefined TW‐IDF using Stock News Text Data" Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2022, Poster)

Sung-Kwon Choi, Jieun Han, Gyu-Hyeun Choi, Youngkil Kim. "A Study on English-to-Korean Test Suites for NMT Automatic Evaluation by Linguistic Assessment Items" The Journal of Translation Studies, 21(5), 351-371

Work Experience


Teaching Experiece




Jieun Han
jieun_han (at) kaist.ac.kr
Ph.D. Student
Daejeon, Republic of Korea